Audio-Intro by Marie Helene Pereira

Installation view of the exhibition Echoes of the Brother Countries. Five works of art are displayed on a royal blue background. These are five works by Santos Chávez with the following titles:  Tierra del Sur from 1985, Astro creador de mi pueblo from 1968, Homenaje a S. Nattino/Niña con flores from 1985, Mi amada viene del mar from 1994 and Pastor dormido from 1984. The artworks are reproductions of woodcuts mainly in black and white.

Exhibition view Echoes of the Brother Countries. What is the Price of Memory and What is the Cost of Amnesia? Or: Visions and Illusions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarities, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), 2024. Photo: Hannes Wiedemann/HKW