Murni (I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih), Story Of Phenomphen (2003). Courtesy of the Estate of I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih
The name of our project is "Forgive Us Our Trespasses".
It means
"Forgive us for breaking rules."
The project makes people think about rules.
And why we follow the rules.
It is a research and exhibition project.
Exhibition means:
Showing art and research results.
The project shows:
Sometimes we break rules to fight bad rules.
Then we should not have to say sorry.
And no one should have to say sorry
if they have done nothing wrong.
No one should say sorry for who they are.
For example:
Don't say sorry for working in another country.
Don't say sorry for fleeing to a safer country.
Don't say sorry for believing or not believing in a god.
Don't say sorry for who you love or for being queer.
Don't say sorry for protecting the environment.
Don't say sorry for taking back the land of your people.
The project shows:
We can fight for a better world.
By breaking rules.
We can fight for everyone to have the same rights.
No matter
their gender
or skin color
or how much money they have.
Breaking rules
can bring people together.
People with different ideas and different lives.
And it makes us think:
When should we not follow rules?
When should we fight bad rules?
What rules are useful and what rules are just made up?
Artists can break our rules, too!
They can change everything.
How we see the space
and how we use the lawns.
They can create new places
for other people
who also break the rules.
The project asks:
If the rules keep people out
what about breaking the rules?
Can doing things differently include more people?
How can artists create an unusual life?
One that we do not want to undo?
But one that creates a new way of living.
And that includes everyone.
This project is about finding new ideas
and new ways of life.
It is about getting lost and finding new ways.
About being wrong
and discovering new truths.