
Schooling for girls? Report cards without grades? Computers in classrooms? These reform ideas shook up the status quo. Today, many of these ideas are taken for granted. Yet schooling is not a universal good. It lacks equal opportunity and inclusion.

A person is standing on a stone floor. Only the legs below the knees are visible. The person is wearing black jeans and black bathing slippers and red nail polish. On one shoe in large white letters is the English word Why. On the other shoe in the same letters So the writing is Why Not

© büro eta boeklund

In its numerous collaborations, Cultural Education explores past reform ideas and designs new ones. Democratic processes are tested via social media, playgrounds are subjected to a closer look, outdated notions of education are dissected or new forms of presentation are tried out. Repeat after me asks guests to enter an old telephone booth to talk with AI on the phone. Who has the last word, human or algorithm?

Zahlreiche Fragesätze in weißer Farbe stehen auf hellbraunem Hintergrund. Am prominentesten ist die Frage Wie viel müssen wir wissen? abgebildet. Zudem sind etwa Fragen wie Was hättest du lieber gelernt? und Wie und wo entstehen Gewohnheiten? zu lesen

© Joachim Loch

Projects such as Schools of Tomorrow or Education in Concrete not only design new forms of learning, but also formulate tangible action recommendations for teachers and politicians.

Here you will find further material on the topic. Translations of original English versions into German are linked separately under (Ger.).

More on the subject of reforms in the program of the research and exhibition project Education Shock and the related publication, curated and edited by Tom Holert (2021).

For example, explanations of reforms and school reform movements by Gert Biesta in The Beautiful Risk of Education (Ger.); thoughts and remarks by Mark Terkessidis about play rooms, by Elke Beyer about Soviet Campus Exports (Eng.) and on Postcolonial School Buildings in West Africa and Militant Education, with Ola Uduku, Sónia Vaz Borges and Filipa César (Eng.). Also on anarchist educational concepts by Catherine Burke, “We make the road by walking” (Ger.) followed by a discussion (Eng.).

Looking at the designs of future curricula, the European research collaboration is working on Culture d’Avenir.

Further reading

Examples include the HKW journal 100 Years of Now, Global Conflicts and Re-Narrating History as well as Positionen, Schulen als Orte der Transformation by Silke Ramelow.